

U-ChOOSE 成立于2008年,据主席Debra Mervyn介绍,U- CHOOSE有上千成员,她表示,很多美国人还不知道社会问题产生的原因。

Dedra:“今年我们的讨论焦点集中在马克思主义者,我们看到这个国家的人的根源是人们不了解到底发生了什么,.那就是马克思主义,共产主义。那是与我们的自由共和国建立时的原则完全相反的,我们根本不是马克思主义者。 我研究了很多的历史它给人带来的影响。人们应当了解共产主义对大众, 个人, 国家,经济带来的负面影响。”

哥伦比亚大学博士Chana B. Cox女士是路易斯和克拉克学院(Lewis and Clark College)的高级讲师,她著有《上帝给人类的恩赐》God’s Gift to Humanity,《良好的逻辑思考》Reflections on the Logic of the Good 等多部著作。

Chana B.Cox:“只有魔鬼能保持住这个系统,它们们需要精神病院, 它们需要秘密警察,他们需要死亡集中营,他们为了使人恐惧维护这个系统,最后使价格变得悲剧性的昂贵,不管以前许诺了什么,共产主义已经成为现实。”






Ethan Epstein是 “华尔街日报”“标准周刊”和英文“大纪元”等多家报纸的记者和作家,长期从事大陆和台湾文化制度对比研究。 他表示,台湾和大陆同是中国人,但差异很大,大陆人因为长期受共产党控制,比较好斗而不关心他人。

Ethan Epstein:“台湾比中国大陆的人要富裕五六倍, 实际上在台湾,以前也是独裁,但不是共产主义的独裁。直到1987年,形成另一个独立政党,造成了改变,问题是目前在中国没有人能真正成立另一个政党。”


Debra Mervyn :“最糟糕的是中共掩盖着,世界上其他的人们不知道发生了什么,除非你自己去研究它。当人权问题,迫害这样发生的情况下,美国中共的生意关系密切,这是不对的。”



U.S. Civilians Abandon Communism

On October 27, U-CHOOSE Organization held a seminar
in Portland, Oregon, attendees said that high welfare and
high taxes are the root of the social problems in the U.S.

U-CHOOSE, a NGO organization, was established in 2008,
The Chairman, Debra Mervyn, said that U-CHOOSE has
over one thousand members, many of whom are Americans
who didn’t realise the causes of social problems.

Senior Lecturer Dr. Chana Cox at Lewis and Clark College
also earned a doctorate from Columbia University,
and is the author of the publications Liberty,
God’s Gift to Humanity,
Reflections on the Logic of the Good and other books.
She expressed her opinion.

Blind audience member Joseph understood
that the benefits he enjoys actually come from government taxes,
this in fact is communism,
he decided to move out of the council house.

The audience wasn’t clear how communism had turned out ,
the attendees raised the issue of the axis of evil doctrine,
the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) treats people as slaves,
achieves the absorption of foreign assets with cheap labour,
using this money to persecute good people and
preventing the overseas society’s concern about
China’s human rights.

Falun Gong Practitioner, Ms Liu from mainland China,
told us that four generations in her family
had been persecuted by CCP.
The CCP had brainwashed her since childhood,
she believes the true story on the Falun Gong flyers, as she
herself has been severely persecuted.

Reporter and writer, Ethan Epstein, who
works for a number of newspapers, has completed long-term studies of
the contrast between culture systems of Mainland China and Taiwan.
He stated that both Taiwan and Mainland people are Chinese, but that
under the control of the CCP, Mainland Chinese are more aggressive
and care less about others.

Ms Liu calls on people not to be deceived by the CCP’s lies,and
not to wait like she did, until she became a victim of the persecution,after which
she was able to recognise the brutal character of the CCP.

The audience said that, without having learned from history,
they didn’t know what had happened in communist countries,or
why it had happened, and that the same things could happen again if
nobody paid any attention to it.

NTD reporters Mark, Liu Hui and Li An’an
