【禁闻】解冻卡扎菲资金 中共阻拦














The CCP Blocks the Release of Gaddafi’s Assets

After the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime,
Libya is now in great need of relief supplies.
For humanitarian assistance, U.K., Germany and France
asked the United Nations Sanctions Committee to unlock
nearly USD 5 billion of frozen Gaddafi regime assets.
The funds will be used to buy emergency relief supplies
such as food and the like to help the Libyan people.
However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s
UN delegation in New York held up the move on the grounds
of not knowing the CCP government’s position on this.

AFP reported that U.K. froze US $1.6 billion of
Libyan assets in British banks, Germany frozen
1 billion euros and France also froze 1 billion euros.

Libya’s National Interim Council had requested
international assistance to release the frozen assets.
This is to meet the current “emergency humanitarian needs."
U.K., Germany, and France agreed to release
nearly 5 billion dollars for emergency aid
such as food and the like to help the Libyan people.
But the CCP ’s delegation to the UN at New York
blocked the three European country’s moves.
Cheng Xiaonong, expert on China’s social & political issues,
said that the CCP’s attitude toward Gaddafi’s downfall
had been ambiguous and unwilling to give support to
the anti-Gaddafi forces.
Not until Gaddafi’s sudden collapse did the CCP begin to
change its attitude. But the attitude change is just skin deep.
Cheng Xiaonong: “With regard to the request of releasing
frozen Libyan assets to the transitional government,
the CCP showed its obstructive attitude again.

From this, we can see that the CCP is reluctant to watch
the collapse of dictators like Gaddafi.
At the moment, the CCP is very uncomfortable, so,
when it finds an opportunity, it will vent.
Cheng Xiaonong commented that as authoritarian regimes,
the CCP and Gaddafi stand in the same position.
However, history won’t leave dictators too many opportunities.
That’s why the dictators collapse one after another.
AFP reported that according to the UN’s procedures,
If there are no objections to the resolution,
three days after the submission, the UN Sanctions
Committee will approve to unlock the frozen Libyan assets.
The U.N. diplomats of U.K., Germany and France said that
they privately hoped that the CCP authorities could decide
as soon as possible with no objections from
its representatives to the U.N.
Sun Wenguang (retired professor at Shandong University):
The CCP’s previous reports showed that
it has stood on the side of Gaddafi.
The CCP abstained voting from UN’s no-fly zone resolution.
All of this explains that in many ways,
the CCP has the tendency to support Gaddafi.
Sun Wenguang said that as for the CCP’s negative view to
release the frozen overseas assets of Gaddafi,
there’s another reason. Many CCP’s senior officials have
transferred their assets overseas, and fear that
these assets acquired through corruption will be frozen
some day.
He Qinglian, US-based Chinese economist wrote in a blog
titled “Why The Dictator’s Wealth Evaporated?",
U.K., U.S., Switzerland and other western countries
announced in succession to freeze the great wealth amassed
and transferred to these countries by the dictators.
The western countries reached consensus on commitments
that these assets will be returned to their countries of origin
in the future. And once it is returned, it must be used
to improve people’s quality of life, to strengthen
the judicial system and to fight against crimes.
In her article, He Qinglian also commented that
the dictators in the world had exhausted their whole life
to plunder the ill-gotten wealth, but ended up
losing the last wealth safety deposit box.
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Tang Rui and Zhu Di
