【禁闻】中共禁建党 学者:中国需要反对党









林保华:“中国这个八个政党里面是这样子,他们自己党章里面都规定要服从共产党领导,他们要发展多少党员,要共产党的同意。他们的经费是共产党给的。所以,你说这样子的党怎么 可以监督。只是帮共产党摇旗呐喊,摇旗呐喊还好,最怕他有时候还会助纣为虐。”





何普德 前民主党负责人 :“所有代表民主党发言的、代表民主党搞工作的、包括对民主党的家属进行经济上的帮助,开展相关的一切工作,都属于非法活动。我想,在中国,还是应该有反对的声音存在,反对党成为合法政党,这是历史发展的必然。”



“China Really Needs Another Party”

Before July 1, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
United Front Dept. Spokesman Zhang Xiansheng
said, multi-party cooperation system
has been widely employed in China
and there is no need for a new political party.
Does however the general public agree with this?

On June 29, during news conference,
held by the CCP Foreign Propaganda Office,
Voice of America’ reporter asked if it is ok
for someone to start up a new democratic party?

CCP’s United Front Department Spokesman Zhang Xiansheng responded that the CCP
and eight other democratic parties
cover all levels of the Chinese society,
so there is no need for another political party.
Does China really not need another party?
Political Commentator Lin Baohua said, “I think
China really needs another party, a party different
from all other, an opposition party to help supervise
the government. In this country of 1.3 billion,
all political parties are part of the CCP,
act according to the CCP, that’s the root reason
for all problems in China. If it (CCP) makes mistake,
no one can supervise or oppose it.
I think this is the crucial issue.”
Zhang Xiansheng claim there are eight democratic
parties in China, but these eight “Democratic Parties”
are all CCP’s close friends or daughter-parties.

Upon learning that the Governor was coming to visit,
During the press conference, a Japanese reporter
said, a “democratic party” friend of his told him,
that the CCP determines how many members
they (the “Democratic Party”) can have.

Zhang Xiansheng responded, “When democratic
parties add new members, they do need to consult
with some CCP agencies.”

Lin Baohua: “The eight ‘democratic parties’
are like that; their own constitution requires them
to obey the CCP, they need to get permission
to add members and their budget is given by CCP.
How can a party like this supervise?
They can only voice their support for the CCP,
and voicing a support is not even that bad,
what’s worst is will they help CCP do evil.”

Are Chinese citizens allowed to start
new political party or political organizations?
Zhang Xiansheng never responded to that question.

Over the years Chinese citizens form political parties
or organizations like “Democracy Party of China”,
“Union of Chinese Nationalists”,
“New Youth Society", etc. Some submitted official
applications, some are private associations,
but they were all charged and prosecuted
for “attempt to subvert the state power.”
Among them, the Democracy Party of China (DPC)
started on June 25, 1998, and was the first
political organization to submit official application,
but the Ministry of Civil Affairs did not approve it.

In 1998, major DPC members like Xu Wenli,
Wang Youcai, Qin Yongmin were sentenced
to more than 10 years in jail. Other members,
like Liu Xianbin, Cha Jianguo and He Depu
were also severely sentenced.

Former DPC leader He Depu said, “All who spoke
for DPC, worked for DPC, including relatives
who helped financially, and help with any work,
were considered doing illegal activities.
I think, there are still opposing voices in China,
but an opposition party becoming legal
will definitely happen.“

Currently, there is no political party law in China,
but existing laws do not prohibit establishment
of other political parties or organizations.

NTD reporters Liang Xi,Li Jing and Xiao Yan
