【禁闻】国际法庭通缉卡扎菲 中国民众叫好












联合国安理会在三个月前就已经向国际刑事法庭申请对卡扎菲开展刑事调查。5月中旬,国际刑事检察官奥卡姆珀(Luis Moreno-Ocampo)提交了一份74页的起诉书,要求发布针对卡扎菲的逮捕令。



Arrest Warrant Issued for Gaddafi

On June 27, International Criminal Court (ICC)
in the Hague issued the arrest warrants for
Libyan dictator Gaddafi, his son Seif al-Islam and
Libyan intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senoussi.
All three are accused of crimes against humanity.
Commentators say that the ICC’s decision
is a warning to other dictators.

ICC’s judge Sanji Mmasenono said that there is
clear evidence of their crimes against humanity.
Gaddafi was accused of using arrests, tortures
and mass rapes to intimidate the Libyan people.
Judge Mmasenono said, back in February 2011,
as protests were ongoing in neighboring countries,
they “conceived and orchestrated a plan to deter
and quell by all means the civilian demonstrations."

Focusing on the fate of the dictator Gaddafi,
the Chinese people welcome the ICC decision.

He Depu (Beijing-based democratic activist):
I am very happy to hear about the arrest warrant.
It signifies the illegitimacy of the totalitarian regime.
An arrest warrant for Gaddafi means that
his regime has lost its legitimacy.

Wen Kejian (Zhejiang-based independent writer):
I think it is very uplifting that the ICC upholds
basic moral values.
I hope to see Gaddafi being arrested immediately
and being sent to his trial at the Hague.

Gao Hongming (Beijing-based Democratic Activist):
Many civilians perished under his guns and canons.
He is indeed a criminal, who kills unarmed civilians.
The issuance of an arrest warrant for him
represents the human justice and conscience.

Qin Yongmin (Wuhan-based Democratic Activist):
“He carried out terrorist activities internationally,
including bombing airplanes. Now he uses
armies and aircrafts to massacre the people.
He also compared this to Tiananmen Massacre.
This is very significant. We hope him to receive
a public trial by the forces of justice.
Justice often comes late, but it ultimately comes.

Commentators have pointed out that the ICC’s
issuance of an arrest warrant for Gaddafi
is a deterrent to other dictators.

Wen Kejian: I think it is a warning.
Shouldn’t use sovereignty or any excuses,
when comes to people’s lives.
I believe this is a warning to many dictators.

He Depu: Other countries should learn a lesson.
Do not use force against the people.
It is a warning to all authoritarian rulers.

Commentators also pointed out that in June 1989,
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) massacred
civilians and students, but ICC hasn’t issued arrest
warrants for the culprits due to other considerations.
ICC needs the support of major UN members.
However, as CCP regime is a permanent member,
it is difficult for UN to impose sanctions on it.

UN Security Council has applied to ICC
for an criminal investigation on Gaddafi.
In mid-May, ICC prosecutors Luis Moreno-Ocampo
submitted a 74-page indictment,
requesting an arrest warrant be issued for Gaddafi.

CCP-backed Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir,
for whom an ICC arrest warrant was also issued,
is currently visiting Beijing.
Earlier, Yugoslav ex-President Slobodan Milosevic
was tried at the Special Court in the Hague.
His charges included over 60 accounts of genocide,
war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
Milosevic later died in the prison in the Hague.

NTD reporter Qing Xue and Zhou Ping
