【禁闻】“群体灭绝罪”国际罪犯 现身北京

【新唐人2011年6月29日讯】被海牙国际刑事法庭下令逮捕的苏丹总统巴希尔(Omar al-Bashir),28号安然抵达北京,进行正式的访问。巴希尔被控有5项“反人类罪”和2项“战争罪”,以及3项“群体灭绝罪”。美国国会、国际人权组织同声谴责中共继续支持巴希尔的做法。国际特赦组织表示,如果北京欢迎巴希尔,就等于成为“国际战犯的避难所”。

去年(2010年)7月,国际刑事法庭宣布,对苏丹总统巴希尔(Omar al-Bashir)发出第二次逮捕令,并增加3项“群体灭绝罪”指控。2009年,巴希尔被控5项“反人类罪”和2项“战争罪”。增加的3项“群体灭绝罪”,包括“杀戮、严重的身体和精神伤害,以及对特定群体进行蓄意伤害,并导致这个群体的解体。”


《BBC》 26号报导说,总部设在美国纽约的“人权观察组织”,指责北京邀请巴希尔访问,是对达尔富尔战争犯罪受害者的侮辱,并要求中国(共)在巴希尔抵达后将他逮捕。


美国国务院发言人纽兰德(Victoria Nuland) 在星期一的例行新闻发布会上说,美国的立场是:反对任何国家邀请或协助被国际刑事法院通缉的人出访和旅行。

而《美国之音》的报导提到,美国共和党众议员福兰克.沃尔夫(Rep. Frank Wolf)说,中共没有利用它的影响力来阻止苏丹的种族灭绝,而且,中共为苏丹的种族灭绝行动提供了资助,如阿拉伯民兵使用的武器。福兰克.沃尔夫表示:“可以说,中共一手把巴希尔政府扶植了起来。”



《美国之音》华盛顿记者艾德评论文章:《中国支持流氓国家 得到资源受到批评》中,他引述美国智库大西洋理事会非洲中心主任彼得.法姆的话说,中国需要的不仅仅是能源:“中国也对自己在世界上的地位感兴趣。非洲53国,不久将是54国,在国际舞台上产生的外交影响,以及创造一个更为多元化的世界,都更加广泛的有利于中国(共)的国家利益。”







Genocide Criminal Arrived in Beijing

Wanted by International Criminal Court in the Hague,
Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir arrived in Beijing
on a state visit starting on June 28. Al-Bashir has been
accused of 5 accounts of crimes against humanity,
2 accounts of war crimes and 3 accounts of genocide.
The U.S. Congress and international human rights orgs
jointly condemned the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)
for supporting al-Bashir. Amnesty International warned
that if Beijing welcomes him, China would become
a shelter for international war criminals.

International Criminal Court (ICC) issued in July 2010
the 2nd arrest warrant for al-Bashir,
with 3 new accounts of crimes of genocide,
including “killing, causing bodily or mental harm,
and deliberately inflicting conditions of life
calculated to bring physical destruction.”

According to the U.N., about 300,000 were killed
in conflicts in the Darfur Region of Sudan.
About 2.5 million people had to leave their homes.

As per BBC, New York-based Human Rights Watch
condemned Beijing’s invitation of al-Bashir
as an insult to the victims of the Darfur war
and demanded Beijing to arrest him immediately.

CCP refused to arrest al-Bashir as per the warrant.
CCP’s spokesman told the media that it was reasonable
for the CCP to receive visits from the heads of its allies.

U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland
said at the routine press conference held on Monday,
“We continue to oppose invitations, facilitation,
support for travel by ICC indictees".

As per VOA, U.S. Republican Rep. Frank Wolf said
that CCP didn’t prevent the genocide in Sudan
with its influence over Sudan. Instead
the CCP further supplied weapons used for genocide,
including the arms used by the Arab paramilitary.
He said that the CCP raised the Sudanese regime.

Over 1/3 of China’s petrol is imported from Africa,
and 75% of Sudan’s petrol is stored in South Sudan,
which will declare its independence on July 9.
CCP is building a relationship with South Sudan,
while still extending its support for Bashir’s rule.

CCP has become the most powerful ally to Sudan.
Prior to his visit, al-Bashir praised CCP’s for its support,
which reduced the impact of the U.S. sanction.

A VOA commentary quoted Peter Pham,
Director of Africa Center of think-tank
Atlantic Council of the United States,
that China desires more than just resources.
CCP is interested in its international status.
The influence of the 54 African states
and more diversity will benefit the CCP regime.

Beijing is a long-time ally of Zimbabwe’s Mugabe.
Both Zimbabwe and Sudan are subject to sanctions.

Professor Peter Navarro from University of California
told Voice of America that CCP obtains resources,
such as diamonds and tobacco, from Zimbabwe.
He said that Chinese farmers harvest in Zimbabwe
and export the crops to China,
while the Zimbabweans starve.

Mugabe has been ruling Zimbabwe for 30 years.

Al-Bashir is the first current head of state,
for whom an arrest warrant is issued by ICC.
However, he’s not the only head of state to be sued.

On Dec. 17, 2009, the Argentine Federal Court
issued an arrest warrant for CCP’s ex-leader,
Jiang Zemin and CCP’s 610 Office head Luo Gan.
Both are accused of genocide and torture
in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

NTD reporters Zhou Ping and Wang Mingyu
