




《中国评论》的报导也指出,大约从1996年开始, 中国开始出现公交车特权化的现象。中共政府及各部门处室运用各种理由给官员配车。于是各地方政府上行下效,凡是副科级以上领导干部,几乎每人配一辆公务车,官员上下班,或下班后迎来送往全部免费开公交车。

根据估计,每辆公务车每 年要花至少3到5万,甚至8万到10万的人民币,一个省级厅局一年的公务车预算约200万元,省级公有单位的公务车辆,每年花费国家2亿元,加上国有企业,每个省每年的公交车花费大约50到60亿。也就是说,全国每年公交车花费高达人民币 2000亿元。




Cars for Chinese Officials

In the name of promoting a “vehicle reform",
Anhui Electric Power Company (AEPC)
assigned 300 cars to communist party (CCP) cadres,
citing reduction of administrative costs.
However, the media questioned the rationale.

On April 30, Zhejiang Online News reported,
Anhui Electric Power Company (AEPC) assigned
expensive cars to 300 high-level CCP cadres.
Previously it assigned Chinese-made Chery cars.
Now they are FAW-Volkswagen Magotan cars,
which are worth RMB 200,000 each.

Although AEPC immediately explained that
the “vehicle reform" is to reduce administrative costs,
the media questioned, how can AEPC save money
by equipping the cadres with company-paid cars?

The media criticized its unacceptable explanation.
With each cadre driving a company-purchased car,
although the salary costs of chauffeurs can be saved,
who said the cadres have to use the company’s cars?
Also, multiple cadres sharing one company car
is more money-saving than assigning one car to each.

China Review magazine pointed out that in 1996,
the phenomenon of car privileges started to appear.
CCP authorities and agencies use various reasons
to assign vehicles to CCP officials.
So all the local governments follow their example
by giving officials cars paid by the public or firms.

It is estimated that the annual expenses on one car
are from 30,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan.
One provincial bureau spends nearly 2 million yuan.
The total costs on equipping cadres with cars in China
are 200 billion yuan every year.

Taiwan’s The Journalist magazine published in April
an article by Chinese commentator Chang Ping.
In the article, he talked about the term “public vehicle”.
In democratic countries, “public vehicles” are buses.
In China, although omnibuses exist,
“public vehicles” are defined as “cars for public use”.
CCP’s official papers try to play words by
portraying officials’ privileges as “for public works”.

Chang Ping also pointed out that in China,
there are more cars for cadres than buses.
When Beijing hosted the 2006 China-Africa Forum,
to make the traffic better for the foreign visitors,
the authorities temporarily suspended 490,000 buses,
which were approximately 60% of all buses in Beijing.
Netizens estimated there are 1 million buses in 2011.

NTD reporters Zeng Yaoxian and Zhou Xinyi
