南乳炆冬瓜 家庭簡單做法


MamaCheung’s “Winter Melon with Fermented Red Bean Curd Sauce", a great vegetarian dish for the summer.

材料Ingredients(六至八人份量 6-8people portion):

一斤半冬瓜 900g Wintermelon
五克雲耳 5g Black fungus
一個新鮮菇(我用雞髀菇/杏鮑菇)1 King mushroom
三十克南乳 30g fermented red bean curd
兩片薑,拍鬆 2 slices ginger
兩茶匙素蠔油 2 tsp vegetarian oyster sauce
半茶匙砂糖 1/2tsp sugar
四分一茶匙幼鹽 1/4tsp salt
一茶匙生粉加一湯匙水 1tsp starch in 1tbsp water
適量麻油 Sesame oil


