
【新唐人2016年08月29日訊】在美國西雅圖以北90公里的斯卡吉特河谷有這樣一個小農場,專門種植培育各類花卉植被,現在已是instagram上受到20萬粉絲關注的一家頗具人氣的花卉供應商。36歲的美麗花農Erin Benzakein及其先生則是這家花卉農產的主人,兩人從2008年開始搬到這裡,起初只購買了2英畝大小的土地,然而就在這塊不大不小的土地上盛開著各式各樣的花卉品種,四季不止,錯落有致的競相開放。每逢周末都會吸引眾多攝影愛好者及很多喜歡賞花的民眾們前來駐足觀賞。

I had no idea when I posted photos of our little farm truck filled to the brim last week, that the images would connect with so many. The amount of times the pictures have been reposted and shared is a little mind blowing. I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself to those of you who are new here. Welcome🖐🏼. My name is Erin Benzakein ( pronounced Ben-zo-cane. Yes, like the drug ) and I run a small 2 acre flower farm and seed company with the help of my husband, two children and the amazing ladies of #teamfloret. My first book, Floret Farm’s Cut Flower Garden, is going to be published by @chroniclebooks this coming February. There’s nothing I love more than sharing the beauty that surrounds me and it’s such an honor to have you join me on this wild, flower filled ride. 📷: @copterchris #farmerflorist #flowerfarmer #floretseeds

A photo posted by Erin Benzakein – Floret (@floretflower) on Jul 13, 2016 at 6:56am PDT


Picking Rose heads for today’s shoot with @gemmaingalls and @ingallsphoto. #farmerflorist

A photo posted by Erin Benzakein – Floret (@floretflower) on May 23, 2016 at 5:50pm PDT



