【禁聞】邯鄲樓市或崩盤 千人圍堵政府



當年這些企業以20% 至30%的年利率,吸引民間資金,如今老闆集體跑路,邯鄲市的部分主幹道,不時會被大批舉牌和拉橫幅的人群封堵,而地方當局卻拒絕透露集資規模。
















採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/蕭宇

1,000 Victims Protest Handan’s Property Market Collapse

Handan’s real estate market is suffering from a collective
breach of contract and incidents of bosses fleeing.

With dozens of real estate enterprises and tens-of-billions of
private capital involved, thousands of victims grouped
at the city hall to raise their grievances.

Experts say local authorities are to blame for using land
to make money, which is a widespread phenomenon in China.

CCP mouthpiece, People’s Daily, reported a collective breach
of contract over private funds and lending, with dozens of
companies involved, including Handan’s JSJ Real Estate.

Tens-of-billions of money was misplaced, involving
supplies, construction, farming, and medicine, etc.

The companies involved were attracting private capital
with annual interest rates of 20-30%.

After company bosses fled, crowds entered the main streets
holding placards and banners, demanding the whereabouts
of their funds, but the local government refused to disclose
the amount of collective funds involved.

In 1999, the Handan authorities had invited JSJ Real Estate
to the 1989 China Expo in Xiamen.

JSJ owned four subsidiaries in Handan, including real estate,
a hotel, a power company and a property management firm.

It held six corporations and was considered a politically solid
and well linked company, known for financing private capital.

In July, the boss of JSJ left Handan after not paying investors’
interests, causing panic among borrowers of private funds.

Our NTD reporter tried to phone the Handan LouPan.com
hotline for real estate, but got no reply.

China Times says Handan’s collective default has triggered
a real estate collapse; people no longer dare to buy property.

The situation has affected many in Handan City, including
civil servants; it has created instability for the government.

One overseas website says nearly 1,000 victims protested
to the local government on Sept. 20, confronting police
who had formed four rows of human walls.

Locals said online that many credit union owners who’d been
allegedly arrested, had actually escaped with public funds.

Economic commentator Niu Dao: “It’s going on everywhere;
where’s the money?—It’s been pocketed by the officials.”

“The businessmen ran away, because they feared their lives
would be at risk once the officials were exposed.”

“People have to hold the government accountable,
since the bosses are gone—it’s not right for the authorities
to mobilize the police and mess up the whole situation.”

“The CCP will not last long, because what they’re doing
is actually self-defeating."

Yulin City in Shaanxi faced a similar state with developers
going missing—300 victims met at the city hall in August.

On Sept. 16, Kunming citizens surrounded the local city hall,
demanding that the government request the developers to pay
a relocation fee and for the damage caused by the liquidation.

Prof. Wang Jianguo; Guanghua School of Management,
Beijing University: “The high property prices are mainly
caused by the government, who sell land at high prices
and demand high taxes.”

“70% of property values are said to go to the government,
turning people’s wealth into government revenue.”

Niu Dao says he’s visited cities such as Chongqing and Xi’an
and found vacant buildings everywhere.

Niu Dao: “The problem is not just in real estate, but mainly
in the financial sector, so putting in more money is no use;
vacant buildings are all over the place.”

“Financing has relied on mortgages, but bad debts are high;
once the banks collapse, everything will collapse.”

“When interest on the US dollar will increase,
China’s financial vulnerabilities will all be exposed."

China’s central bank is injecting $81-billion (500 billion yuan)
into five major state-owned banks, reports Wall Street Journal.

Niu Dao says once the CCP prints the money,
the rich will quickly sell their houses and flee abroad.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/XiaoYu
