【禁聞】台灣太陽花學運如何收場 全球關注









台灣駐美代表金溥聰, 25號將接掌台灣國安會秘書長職位。他20號回台灣前,在美國機場向媒體表示,美國社會絕不會容忍,像台灣學生「反服貿」這樣的「暴力」行為。台灣政府是否強力清場﹖成為關注焦點。







山東大學退休教授孫文廣 ﹕「比較起來的話,台灣的這個現狀,我們感到中國差距越大了。你現在就是到廣場去,你要舉一個牌子,要求官員公布財產,都要把你抓到監獄。民眾應該有充分表達的自由權利,集會這種自由都寫在憲法裡的,或者講人權保障也是。」


日本影音網站「NICONICO LIVE」現場轉播台灣學生佔領立法院景象,吸引了超過80萬人點閱。日本也有網友自製影片,解釋台灣學生「反服貿」的原因,以及「服貿協議」帶來的影響。


採訪/陳漢 編輯/周平 後製/孫寧

How Will Taiwan’s Sunflower Student Movement End?

The Taiwanese student protest continues in
the Legislative Yuan assembly hall, against
the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement.

The agreement, known to involve 64 service
industries and thousands of businesses, will
effect the livelihoods of nearly 3 million people.

Is this trade a fair deal for Taiwan?
A recent poll suggests 70% say no.
Taiwan’s ruling Kuomintang, or KMT, forcibly
passed the Agreement at a congress meeting.
It was done within 30 seconds
of announcing the motion.
This action triggered the student movement. How will
the movement end? International media are watching.

Protests over the Cross-Strait trade pact have been
widely reported by BBC, CNN, Washington Post,
New York Times, Japan Economic Times, and Al Jazeera.

This ‘Sunflower Student Movement’ is protesting against
the ‘black box processes’ of the KMT government.
The sit-in continued on March 21 with 40,000
people occupying in the Legislative Yuan in Taipei.

Students had hoped a response by noon of March 21
from President Ma Ying-jeou, but there was none.
The students declared to the
press that the protest will expand.

As the weekend is approaching, people in Southern
Taiwan are organizing trips to join the protests in Taipei.

Zhang Haitao, netizen in Xinjiang:
“I feel it is like the Beijing in 1989.
These students are yearning for democracy and
freedom of public opinion, and don’t want to see
Taiwan’s economy being hijacked by the mainland."

BBC Chinese reported that the people in
Taiwan have always had a deep-seated fear.
Beijing authorities have attempted to
annex Taiwan through it’s economy.
With increasingly frequent and close cross-strait
exchanges, fear and distrust has increased too.

Qin Yongmin, Wuhan human rights activist: “Taiwanese
people are very worried about mainlaind China controlling
and infiltrating the economics and politics of their country.

This is not to mention the regression of their democracy."

King Pu-tsung, Taiwan’s chief representative
to the US, will become Taiwan’s National
Security Council Secretary General on March 25.

On his way back to Taiwan on March 20, he told media at
the U.S. airport that American society will not tolerate
‘violent’ behavior like the Taiwanese students in the protest.

It has now become a concern that the Taiwanese
government will conduct forceful removal of protestors.

Wuhan human rights activist Qin Yongmin
indicates that it is marks a sad moment for Taiwan.
That is, the need to engage in protecting democracy
in Taiwan in such manner, because of facing the
threat from the Chinese Communist Party.

Qin Yongmin: “When a major policy violates public opinion,
the people can rise up and express different opinions.
Even if this is in the form of occupation of the
Legislative Yuan, in order to express their demands.
The people of Taiwan are clearly
demonstrating their sense of maturity."

Qin Yongmin expresses his admiration for the mature
democratic consciousness of Taiwanese people.

Zhu Xinxin, a former editor of Hebei People’s Radio Zhu
warns, that the Chinese people have no freedom of speech.
However, they have great hope for
Taiwan’s progress in democracy.
The CCP’s united front tactics are what the
Taiwanese people ought to watch out for.

Zhu Xinxin, former editor of Hebei People’s
Radio: “We should be wary of politicians
betraying the interests of Taiwan.
We should be alert to infiltration and various controlling
of Taiwan’s politics through economic and cultural means.
Watch out for the cunning and evil CCP. Don’t hold
onto any hope to interact with the Communist Party.
Taiwan must hold on to its bottom line
and insist on the basic principles."

Netizens pointed out that the Taiwanese
students’ occupying the Legislative Yuan was them
questioning the trade agreement with the mainland.

The students think that this process
bypassed any democratic progress.

However, the KMT government’s anxiety to quickly
sign the agreement also reveals the wider international
trend of appeasing the Chinese Communist Party.

The CCP wants the world to willingly sacrifice their
own resources, environment, and well-being’s of citizens.
This is done in exchange for
recognition of the CCP’s legitimacy.

Sun Wenguang, retired Professor from Shandong
University: “Taiwan’s situation is in sharp contrast to China.
Whoever openly demands Chinese officials
to declare their property will be arrested.
People deserve the freedom and
rights to fully express themselves.
The freedom of assembly and human
rights were all written in the constitution."

Taiwanese students’ occupying their governments
building has attracted international attention.

A live video broadcast of the sit-in in the
Legislature by Japanese video site Niconico
Live has drawn more than 800,000 viewers.

There are also homemade videos from Japanese netizens
explaining the reason why the students are protesting.

Relevant keywords about the Trade Agreement
have also become popular on the internet.

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Zhou Ping Post-Production/Sun Ning
