【禁聞】樓價暴跌 業主抗議 恐大面積爆發













山東濟南投資經理 余新永:「 現在房地產已經到這樣一個程度,全世界最貴了,中國老百姓工資又這麼低。你能高到甚麼程度?對不起,他會一路高下去的。房地產泡沫破裂之時,就是他們(中共)的壽終正寢之日。」



採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/李勇

China’s Property Price Slump Might Become More Widespread

On Feb. 21 property owners angrily destroyed an estate agents office of one particular developer, because the selling property project suddenly reduced
the selling price,which causes the existing owners to hold “negative assets".

It is reported there are around 50 cities in Mainland China with a “very perilous" property market situation.Mainland experts pointed out, many factors aggravate this year’s “Coin Famines",which triggers the sale of properties and the slump of property prices, creating an epidemic in a much wider area.
Experts also state, the property collapse will have major
repercussions in the near future, which might then lead to bankruptcy of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its members.

Recently, the property market in Hangzhou city of Zhejiang Province launched a price-cutting battle.It is reported that after Dexin Northsea Park real estate project, declared to sell all its properties at low prices,of which were sold for 15,800 yuan per square meter. Then within 24 hours of the afternoon of February 19,a surrounding real estate project “Tianhong Sharm” rapidly
responded to it,declaring selling off the remaining properties at a price of 11,800 yuan per square meter,making this an average of 13,800 yuan per square meter,with a reduction of 3400 yuan per square meter.

Then in the afternoon of Feb. 21, a group of existing property owners came to the estate agentsoffice, with almost a hundred people holding black and white banners and being confrontational to the guardians and the police.
The estate agents office was smashed amidst the chaos by the angry property owners,with the building being brought down to the ground.

In addition during the past week, Renminbi has depreciated by 0.8% for the exchange rate with US dollars.Gong Shengli, a researcher of China’s financial think tank,says this is a signal of a money shortage in China.
The phenomenon of “dramatically reduced property prices,"might be the first chain response of the “Coin Famines"amongst Chinese enterprises, considering the property industry is on high demand of large amounts of funds.

Such a phenomenon might be epidemic to a massive area across China.

There are several factors producing Chinese “Coin Famines".Gong Shengli says.
The first being the Central Bank is going to recycle RMB (Chinese currency).
Because during the past five years after financial crisis,Central Bank released more currency into the market than US dollar, Euros, and Japanese Yen,
and it is time to recycle them.

Gong Shengli: “Till the end of 2013, China’s currency supply has exceeded 110 trillion RMB,which is 1.5 times more than US dollars and several times
more of Euros and Japanese Yen.China is now a country with a massive scale
of circulating currency.So China’s economy is facing a dilemma,which is not good for increasing currency supplies as well as troublesome for recirculating money.
Once the recycling of currency begins, then the property industry becomes in short supply of money, it stagnates. For the option of supplying more currency,
China has the largest currency scale in the world."

Another factor is that China’s property is mainly funded by trust companies.
Around 10 trillion RMB trust assets of a large number of trust companies, will be due to repay their debts.If these property companies have no other funds to support themselves,then the slump of property prices is an inevitable trend.

Gong Shengli: “For property developers, if they have enough funds,then the business can maintain itself for a period of time.If they have no funds then they have to sell off the properties.This is an inevitable outcome.
If they can find funds, then they can sustain themselves for a longer period of time.For example, if the US Feds stop their stimulus program from buying US$ 85 billion each month in October.To China, it amounts to more than this."

So will China’s property bubble burst? Gong Shengli says,this depends upon the currency supply strategies of the CCP’s Central Bank.If they continue to increase currency supply,then the property industry could sustain for a period.
But if the currency policy starts to recycle or continue to recycle,
then the property market will seriously be in peril.

Gong Shengli: “There’s a dilemma. The supply will be in trouble,because this will have an expanding effect on the bubble.But to recycle will also bring its own troubles.Due to the Coin Famines which occurred in China on June 20 and November 20 of last year.So the CCP is very fearful. If the Coin Famines happen again,how can Zhou Xiaochuan, head of CCP’s Central Bank move forward? He is surely in a dilemma.He wants to keep the current status and go ahead.
But he also wants to recycle the currency.He is in a deadlock of a position."

On Nov. 1 1948, RMB was officially circulated and this has lasted for more than 65 years.Gong Shengli points out, this year will be the most troublesome of periods in the history of RMB.

However, according to Gong Shengli’s estimation,the CCP’s Central Bank will not allow a dramatic fall of the property price in a massive area.Because if the property bubbles burst,then the stability of China’s economy will be unstable.
Zhou Xiaochuan will release limited currency,which is like treading on steel strings,guiding the property market forward
in a slow and very delicate way.

Jinan investment manager of Shandong Province Yu Xinyong:"The property market has become such a status withthe most expensive price in the world.The income of Chinese ordinary people is so low.So how can the property price be sustained at a higher level? Never mind, the price will go up and up. Eventually, the property bubble will burst one day and the day will be a doomsday for the CCP."

Gong Shengli estimated, China’s property bubble might only sustain another two years.He forecast, between 2016 and 2017, then the property bubble
will burst and China’s economy will collapse.The CCP regime which regards the economic achievements as its only one source of legitimate governance This will inevitably face collapse.

The collapse of the totalitarian regime in the Ukraine in recent days, seems much like a rehearsal for China.

Interview & Edit/Qinxue Post-Production/LiYong
