【禁聞】公安副局長紛落馬 削權政法委





山東濟南獨立作家 鞏磊:「因為公檢法,特別是公安系統這幾年維穩,中央維穩政策,造成了公安系統權力過於大。權大於法。因為一些案件,法院也得按照公安的口徑去判。他的維穩經費不計其數,所以個人野心膨脹,貪污腐化,給了他極大的尋租空間。所以他們走上墮落,貪污腐敗,違法亂紀,也是不可避免的。我想這是暴露出來的極少一部分,還有更多的,這只是冰山一角。」





鞏磊:「可能是一些黨政主要領導感到尾大不掉,威脅到自己的個人利益,已經超出了自己的控制範圍,所以在有意的慢慢的削減他的勢力,也有這方面的暗中較量。好多因素,因為民主大世界潮流不可阻擋,公安政法系統這種倒行逆施,是人人憤慨的。各種潮流都在往民主這個制度上在走,所以反動的勢力,阻擋歷史潮流進步的勢力,在逐漸的瓦解。 」


採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/肖顏

Police Deputes Being Sacked In China

This August, a number of local police deputy chiefs in China
were reported to have been removed from their positions.
The involved areas include Guangdong,
Zhejiang and Hunan.
The most seriously punished police officer
was given a suspended death sentence.
Scholars say, Chinese Communist Party'(CCP) stability
protection policy made the police system too powerful.
That inevitably triggered rampant corruption.

The Political and Legislative Affairs Committee (PLAC)
has provoked great public concerns and even furies.
Some CCP top leaders have attempted
to demote the role of PLAC.

Xinhua Agency alleged that He Jing is being investigated
for “suspicion of involving in serious disciplinary violations.”
He Jing is the deputy Party secretary and deputy chief
of Public Security Bureau in Guangzhou.
The police official website shows that He Jing is in charge
of the Head Center, IT and Administration.

In Quzhou, Zhengjiang Province, the police deputy chief,
Cai Jianming, was reportedly detained.
Informed sources said that Cai was implicated in an illegal
fund-raising during his tenure as Jiangshan’s police chief, which reportedly involved billions of Yuan.

Cai Jianming’s case exposed part of networks
of power-for-money-exchange deals.
Jinan-based writer Gong Lei comments that CCP’s stability
protection policy expanded the role of the police, the Procurator and the courts.
That further led to the unbridled corruption
within these systems.

Gong Lei: “In recent years, the police system has become
too powerful for maintaining stability.
Even the courts’ convictions had to follow
the police authorities line.
The allocation of enormous funds also created great
corruption and personal ambitions in the police system.
It wasn’t surprising these officers were led to degradation.
I believe they are just the tip of the iceberg.”

He Fuchang, ex deputy CCP secretary and deputy chief
of Ningbo police was given a suspended death penalty, according to Xinhua News Agency.
During his 2000-2011 tenures in Yuyao and Ningbo,
He used his positions to make a profit of RMB16 million.

Gong Lei commented on so many police deputy chiefs
being sacked within less than a month.
This is a resilience shown by the public
against their lawlessness.

Gong Lei: “Now Chinese netizens and petitioners
have all been outraged by the police system.
People have gotten more involved in digging up their evils,
which caused many exposure of crimes to the public."

Gong adds, the trend towards democracy is unstoppable.
So some inner CCP forces also silently cut the PLAC power.

Gong Lei: “It’s possible that some CCP top leaders felt their
own interests threaten and that this is beyond their control.
So they are intentionally reducing its power.
There’re many other factors behind it.
The trend towards democracy is unstoppable. The police
and PLAC’ rearing move stirred a nationwide discontent.
All trends are heading for the democracy, so such forces,
blocking the historic trend, are being slowly disintegrated.”

Reuters quoted sources that the CCP is “considering
downgrading the role of domestic security chief.”
It “reflects fears that the position
has become too powerful.”
CCP’s leaders “appear likely to put a tighter leash on Zhou’s
successor as head of domestic security by keeping him or her off the down-sized Standing Committee.”
CCP’s leader Hu Jintao and his successor Xi Jinping have
“a shared motive to put a growing array of police forces
and domestic security services under firmer oversight.”
